Saturday, October 20, 2018

Estimation of Immediate settlement (Si)

Pore water pressure dissipation of sandy soils is very fast and immediate, and consolidation settlement happen at the same time.

Footing founded on sandy soils are subjected to settlement during the loading.

Can be estimated using the elastic compressibility properties of soils,
   - Elastic modulus (E)
   - Poisson's ratio

There are many methods to estimate the elastic (immediate) settlement. before that,

We can divide foundations in to 2,
1). Rigid foundations - Foundations are not subjected to any deformation
2). Flexible Foundations - Foundations are also subjected to deformations

In the theory of elasticity following assumptions are made,

1. Soil medium is semi-infinite
2.Soil is linear elastic
3.Soil is homogeneous and isotropic
   ( Homogeneous : same properties everywhere, Isotropic : same properties in every direction)

Empirical methods to calculate immediate settlements   

1. Timoshenko and Goodier method


B = width of the footing
qnet = net pressure on soil ( q net = Q col/B*L)
Es = elastic modulus of compressible soil under footing
v = poisson ratio of the soil
If = influence factor

Note : This is not a good method because Df is not considered.

2. Janbu et al method 

I1 and I2 = influence factors

3. Schemertmann method 


C1 = depth correction factor
                 C1 = 1 - 0.5 (q0'/qnet)   , q0' - effective vertical overburden pressure at the foundation level
C2 = creep factor
                 C2 = 1 + 0.2 log ( t / 0.1 )     , t = time in years - after the loading when you need
Iz = vertical strain influence factor
delta z = thickness of elemental layer

Es = 2.5 qc ( for squire footings )
        3.5 qc ( for strip footings )   
qc - cone penetration resistance from CPT (check my before blogs)


4. Terzaghi and peck method 

ro B = settlement in inches
B = width of the foundation in feets
q = applied bearing pressure in tons/ft^2
N = average SPT value over a depth of  2B

5. Parry method 

ro = settlement in mm
q = pressure from the foundation in MN/m^2
B = width of the footing in m
a = 200 inches in SI units
CD = factor for excavation
CT = factor for the thickness of the compressible layer
CW = factor for depth of the water table

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