Monday, October 22, 2018

Stress Distribution Trough Soil - Part 03

Stress Isobars

Isobars of the vertical stress under footing are developed based on the Boussinesq Equation. Pressure isobars, developed to estimate the vertical stress under a squire and a strip footing, is given below.

Newmark developed the equation to estimate the pressure under a corner of a squire footing loaded with a pressure of q0
qv = stress increment
q0 = loaded pressure
M = B/Z
N = L/Z
V = M2 + N2 + 1
V1 = (MN)


Above equation we can expressed in terms of a stress influence factor Iz


Iz = Influence factor – Non dimensional parameter  ( we can obtain this from tables given N and M)
This table is, stress influence factors (Iz) beneath a corner of a rectangular loaded area,
M = B/Z
N = L/Z
Note : M and N interchangeable 

Any internal point within a loaded area may be considered by dividing the loaded area into rectangles with the point under consideration is a common corner and using the method of superposition to add the stress caused by each rectangular area.


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